Visegrad Fund
This page is dedicated to the "Knowledge transfer on aquatic ecosystem accidental pollution within the climate change to Georgia" project, which is supported by the Visegrad Fund. (
Knowledge transfer on aquatic ecosystem accidental pollution within the climate change to Georgia
Short description of the project:
The main purpose of the project is to contribute to promoting the Visegrad regional cooperation in pollution accidents in transboundary surface water bodies and knowledge transfer to Georgia conditions, where majority of the surface water bodies are transboundary ones. The following activities are planned: Analysis of the previous pollution accidents in Georgia and Case studies from the Visegrad Region (River Slana SVK, River Tisza HU, River Becva CZ and Odra PL); Development of the Manual for action of the National Environmental Agency and Environmental Inspection in case of the pollution accident in surface water bodies in Georgia, taking into account the effect of the climate change (low flow and high water temperature on ecosystems; Training workshop on surface water pollution issues for the water quality experts and decision makers in Georgia. focused on an integrated approach to act during the pollution accidents (including sampling execise); Study visit of NEA experts in Slovakia transboundary surface water bodies, where in the field activities will be presented and consultation with the State Administration representatives.
Lists project partners
Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences:
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute:
Polish Commitee for Global Water Partnership:
Global Water Partnership Hungary Foundation:
LEPL National Environmental Agency:
1. Online kick-off meeting (12th March 2024)